Τρίτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2014


Speech by Dr.Thalis Mylonas

                  Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, said that social life is a necessity because man is a political being but the peaceful co-existence of all peoples, according to the greatest philosopher Plato, presupposes the implementation of justice, which   constitutes the supreme human value, for this reason the ancient Greeks worshiped justice, as the daughter of Heaven and Earth.
Even though justice is extremely  difficult to be applied because the different peoples, according to their intellectual, social and economic level, religious, cultural, racial background etc. have their  own conception about justice.
          “Justice”, said Plato, “had the possibility to prevail only when world leaders were philosophers or when philosophers became leaders”, while the Roman orator Cicero, said that “homo homini lupus”.
                 In the light of the above, human societies invented the law which constitutes a modus vivendi for the solution of the differences among peoples.
Therefore all the countries must respect and apply the law, nationally or internationally, in order to secure the world   peace.
         As a historical example of the  respect to the law is  Socrates, the greatest ancient philosopher, who sacrificed himself in order to obey the Law, although he was convinced that the law by which he was condemned was unfair.
         The tradition of the political philosophy of Greece, as it concerns the application of the rules of law and justice, goes back to 3.500 B.C., and the first international organization was the  Delphic Amphictyony, the principles of which, had been based on Morality, Law and Justice.
         They were principles of virtue and that is why the men of that era believed that this Amphictyony was founded by the God of light, Apollo.
         The Violation of the Amphictyonic principles, by any state or person  , would entail sanctions against them, as  provided by the Amphictyonic regulations.
         The authority and respectability of the Amphictyony were so high that when it was in session all states in war were obliged to stop the hostilities and adopt a truce.
The decisions of the Delphic Council ( as today the  Security Council) had such a high authority that all citizens or states were obliged to abide by them. If, any phenomenon of dissidence would emerge, the decision would be carried out by force and with the assistance of the member states of   the Amphictyony.
As   history tells us, the Delphic Amphictyony had many times declared sacred wars which lasted many years, until its decisions were fulfilled.
         The   Delphic Amphictyony, thanks to the principles

of morality and justice, upon which it stood, achieved

great authority and  respect and maintained  its existence

over 1500 years, until Greece fell to the Romans.

                C Y P R U S  P R O B L E M

 As it is well known the tremendous  disasters  of the
WW .II  to mankind ,led the  winner powers  to  created  the United Nations Organization ,the Charter which has as its main  purposes ;

I] to  secure  the international peace and security.
.2] to  respect the  sovereign equality of the States  
3] to respect the territorial  integrity  of the states
4] to respect the self determination  of the  peoples
5] to protect and development the human rights 
6] to solve their  differences  among the states, by  peaceful  means etc.
         In order now   to   fulfil   the above   purposes ,the
 Charter of the U.N. declared that the  war, the violence and
 the  threat  among the states, are out of law.
Also I would like to point out that during the ceremony of
 the signing of the Charter of the U.N., the President of the
United States  Harry Truman addressing to the world  declared  that.

“The U.N. Charter which we have  just signed  constitutes  a unique creation  on  which  we may rely  to build  a better world . With this Charter   you may attain to the future  for a better  life with dignity  and  freedom. If you fail to use the Charter we will be traitors to all  those who sacrificed  their lives to enable us to meet  here today  secure and free. If we will claim to use the Charter selfishly ,we will all  be equally guilty  of this treasure.”

Unfortunately the above heritage of  President  Harry
 Truman ,was not applied and was not respected mainly
 by his compatriots the Americans  who  must have been
 the main safe guardians of his heritage. It is very sad
 that the USA  violated   and  used the U.N.  Charter
  selfishly,  in other words  they used the Charter 
 selectively  and with discrimination, in order to serve
 their own interests                             

Major   examples  of the  violation and the discriminating  application  of the U.N. Charter are  the cases  of  Kuwait and Cyprus .As all of you know in 1991  Iraq  invaded   in  Kuwait  for which the Security  Council and the  International Community, took  action immediately  and proceeded  to the condemnation of Iraq  and by collective application  of  forced  measures under the leadership of U.S.A. obliged  Iraqi to  withdraw  their armed  forces  and restore the former situation.
 On  the other  hand,  in the case of the Turkish  invasion in Cyprus ,although the violation of the U.N. Charter  was identical  ,unfortunately  no  enforcement  measures  were  taken by  the  U.N. in spite of its own resolutions of condemnation  and  even the 2.000 deaths,200.000 people who forcibly removed from their homes ,the gross violation of human rights  and finally, the confession of the  leader of Turkish  Cypriots  Raouf  Denckdas  in  a  public statement   were  admitted  that  1.490  prisoners and hostages of war were  assassinated  in cold blood…
For such a  case of violation of the Law of humanity, it was expected to set up an Ad Hoc International Court for the judgment of the moral and physical  guilty   for the crimes, as it happen with Yugoslavia and Rwanda
On the contrary  nothing has been done and the consequences of the invasion and the occupation of Cyprus by the heavy Turkish army  was the establishment of an illegal and puppet state in the  occupied  north territory of Cyprus ,which has been condemned  by the Security Council and all the countries  all over the  world, as nul and  void..
In spite of the above  violations , the  conspiracy against Cyprus continuing and the  U.S.A. with England  instead  of  forcing Turkey to  withdraw its  armed  forces from Cyprus  and  to remedy  the thousands  of  victims  and  damages, are  trying  to legalize  the invasion and its fait a compli by  bringing  the  Kofi Annan Plan  for the solution of the Cyprus problem , but  unfortunately for them , this  plan  was  rejected  by  the plebiscite  of the  Cypriots

Today forty  (40) years about and while  38% of Cyprus territory is still occupied by the Turkish military troops, a new round of negotiations between the Greek and the Turkish Cypriots started ,under the auspices of U.N. and the blackmail of U.S.A  and England  without of any hope, because the leading powers trying to legitimize the invasion and occupation, while  the criminals  enjoy impunity at the expenses of the international justice. 


         It is worth mentioning, also, another example of impunity of crimes of war, genocide and  against humanity, which had been committed by the Yugoslavians , the northern neighbors of Greece, during the communist regime.
         As it is well known, during World War II Tito, under the guidance of Stalin, and in accordance with the communist parties of the east bloc and the clear expansionist aims of the Slavs to reach the Mediterranean waters, named the southern part of Yugoslavia “Macedonia”, which until that time was called Vardaska.
          This action was condemned  by Edward R. Stettinius  the  Secretary of United States who  at that time who, in his memorandum to the U.S. embassies, stated that the State Department noted with particular concern the propaganda and the statements regarding an independent Macedonia coming from Yugoslavia (Tito) which aimed to threaten Greek territories.
         The Government of the United States, he stated, regarded the possibility of the creation of a Macedonian nation or country, as unjustified demagoguery as it did not represent, either a national or a political reality, but aimed, only, at reviving aggression against Greece .
         Later on, the Communist regime of Yugoslavia and the other Balkan communist states ,invaded  in the internal affairs of Greece by supporting the Communist insurgents against the legal Government of the State, with the aim to incorporate to Yugoslavia communist federation  state, the territory of the  Greek Macedonia. But it failed because of the victory of the Greek army.  
          After the collapse of the Socialistic Block and the dissolution [1990] of the Yugoslavian Federation, the South region of Yugoslavia (Vardasca) became an independent state, without possessing all the legal presuppositions,  which are conditions sine qua non, for the creation of an independent state.
This state was artificial and created from several peoples,35%Albanians,15%Slavs,1O%Bulgarians,15%Creek,10%Serbians,and the, balance from Romanians, Turkish, Gypsies etc.
Finally, this new state FYROM, by their  self-orientation renamed their state from Vardasca to ‘’Macedonia Democracy’’ and claimed to be recognized as,‘’Macedonian Ethnology’’ with Macedonian language.  These actions are illegal nul and void, because in essence they try to extent their country in the Greek Macedonia, as they had tried during the communist regime. but in any case, the above actions and claims of FYROM are  illegal and cannot be accepted by the international community, because;   
1] Their claimS to be recognized as Macedonian ethnology  and their language as Macedonian are scientifically wrong and illegal ,because the creation of an ethnology presupposes  common characteristics, of its peoples, as for instance ,same cultural, same roots ,history, tradition, language, religion, customs and  the feeling that they belong to the same nation.
Unfortunately, the peoples which created this state belong to different ethnologies such as Albanians, Slavs, Bulgarians, Gypsies, Serbians, Torlacs, Turkish, Greeks ,Romanians,etc. Therefor the new state F.Y.R.O.M is not entitled to claim Macedonian  ethnology and Macedonian language, because the Macedonians who lived in this area  since 1500 years B.C. were Greeks and spoked the  Greek  language as it is proved  by the Aristotle, Democritos, Evripidis  and many others who wrote their  books in Greek language ,while the Slavs came to  this area 1000 years later.
2] Their claim to usurp the Greek name Macedonia    contradicts the principles of Equality and Justice, which constitute common Law, [jus cogens]. Comparing the two  neighbor countries, Greece has multiple rights over FYROM ,because it uses the name Macedonia  3500 years and possesses,  71% of the historical Macedonian territory, which is inhabited by 2.650.000 Greek Macedonians, although the Slavs possess only the 17% of the historical Macedonian territory and  uses this name illegally for about 50years and for internal Affairs, while the majority of its population, of this region, has always been Greek (Hellenes), although they were forced to be dishellenelized by the communist regime. The Bulgarians occupy 11% of the Macedonia territory and  the Albanians the 1% of it.
3] Their claim to use the name Macedonia , abuses the legal, cultural and hereditary products of Greece according to the international treaty of UNESCO of 1970, which provide that: history, civilization and the leading personalities of a country, constitute cultural products and national values, protected by the international treaties and  the General Rules of Law.
4] Their behavior  undermines the International Legality because, by using the Greek name Macedonia attempts to legalize its illegal and criminal actions  against  Greece, which started in 1944 up to 1949 by Tito and Stalin, who by intervening in the internal affairs of Greece and by offering help, to the so-called “democratic army” of the revolutionary communist party and by capturing 28.000 Greek children and deporting them to countries in the communist block, committed the crime of genocide and the crime against humanity.
5] Their endeavour to legalize the falsification of the Greek  history intended to usurp its history, its civilization and the great historical personalities of Greece such as King Philip, Alexander the Great,  philosophers Aristotle, Democritos etc. all of whom constitute significant cultural elements of Greece, because the ancient Macedonians, like Thassalians, Athenians, Spartans, Dorians, Ionians, Ahaians, and many others were Creek races and created the Greek Nation
After the above the appeal by FYROM of their   name ‘Macedonian Democracy’ as provided in its constitution does not   excuse their illegal attitude  and has nothing to do with the legality ,because according to the cannon ‘EX TURBI CAUSA NON ORITUR ACTION ‘ and the decision of the international Courts; ''no one state has the right to require  justice for its  illegal acts or to make use of its constitution in order to sustain its rights in the international level''. This is confirmed in the cases of Alabama claim, the Greco-Bulgarian communities ,the Polis national case etc.
Therefore, the political actions of this new state FYROM and its constitution cannot  supersede the international treaties, the international law and the resolutions of the international Courts.
As a conclusion I would like to remind you the American judge Robert Jackson prosecutor  in the Nuremberg Criminal Court who declared that.'' All those who act against the international law are great criminals'’
This declaration justifies your important work in fighting impunity and  promoting international justice.
ww.balkan-institute.gr , Email: thalismylonas@yahoo.com